Even though Stockholm Exergi’s time in Egypt and Sharm el-Sheikh has come and gone, today is the last day of COP27 and the conclusions remain to be seen. Regardless of the outcome, my opinion is that ambitions have been set too low. Many companies talk about reducing their emissions and at best, eliminating their fossil emissions, but few talk about the debts of their prior emissions.

Many people know about Stockholm Exergi and our project Beccs Stockholm. There is an enormous interest in the company and the project, but we would like to see even more interest. Why is it important to share knowledge about ourselves and our project and thereby create more interest? Isn’t there a risk that we just end up being a visitors center without any of the regulatory changes needed for BECCS to be implemented?

Of course, but at the same time it is important to be seen and be known for what we do while simultaneously explaining to decision-makers how we can help them reach Sweden’s climate goals, how can we contribute to the growth of a new industry and how to secure and increase incoming tax revenue? The more people that understand these issues, the easier it will be to make the necessary changes.

Do you then have to travel to the other side of the globe to meet politicians and stakeholders? It is a relevant question to ask. Like Almedalen, COP27 has gathered many of the most important decision-makers in one place. Meetings that can take months to arrange at home can occur in 1 minute at COP27 or Almedalen. Both COP27 and Almedalen are just as much about influencing as being seen and known for what you do.

That more people know what we do and the outcome of all the meetings that we had in Egypt are what we have taken home with us in our continued and focused efforts to get Stockholm Exergi’s full-scale BECCS facility in place. Being part of the ultimate climate forum – which COP27 is – and realizing that people expect us to contribute, gives us strength to work harder and further to reach our goal.

When COP28 takes place next year, we will be there and hope, among other things, that we will be able to tell you about a series of regulatory changes that have taken place that will pave the way for Sweden’s new industry – namely the one that produces negative emissions.

Joakim Cejie
Head of Public Affairs


Charlotte Lindevall

Last update

  • 2022-11-18